Wild & Scenic Film Festival School Prog.

WSFF 2023 - 6-8 School Program (virtual access)

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On August 16, 2020, a rare, dry lightning storm that produced over 11,000 bolts of lightning, ignited hundreds of fires across California. Some of these initially separate, scattered fires, began to merge and grow after a rapid change in wind conditions, and these mounting fires became known as the CZU Lightning Complex Fire.

Of the areas touched by these devastating wildfires, was Big Basin Redwoods State Park, a place dearly loved by so many across the world for its lush beauty and impressive old growth forest. Inspired by the accounts of friends, neighbors, coworkers, and the natural and cultural resources that called the park home, Big Basin Speaks lends a feeling of hope to all those who have despaired at the hands of these fires by giving an artistic glimpse into the mind and heart of Big Basin itself.

To learn more about how State Parks and its partners are Reimagining Big Basin, visit www.ReimaginingBigBasin.org.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
  • Note
    sarinahsimons.com, reimaginingbigbasin.org
  • Director
    Sarinah Simons, Portia Halbert