2024 Nashville Film Festival

Documentary Shorts Program: Blazing The Trail

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“Being an urban Indian is really complicated because you have this geographic disconnection from your land and your community.” Jenna Murray is an Eastern Shoshone medical student at the University of Utah. Her most formative childhood experiences were spent on her family’s Wind River Indian Reservation ranch where she loved nothing more than helping her grandfather. When her active, 70 year old Papa suddenly dies of a preventable health issue, Jenna grapples with her dream of a career in tribal health while facing her own mental health crisis. Directed by Cree filmmaker and 2019 Sundance Award Winner Alexandra Lazarowich (Fast Horse), and Oscar winning Director Ross Kauffman (Born into Brothels, ETEAM); Produced by Oscar nominated filmmaker Robin Honan; Co-Produced by Sundance Native Lab Alum Charine Pilar Gonzalez; original score by Choctaw Nation Musician Samantha Crain (Fancy Dance).

  • Year
  • Runtime
    10 minutes
  • Language
  • Director
    Alexandra Lazarowich, Ross Kauffman
  • Producer
    Robin Honan
  • Executive Producer
    Joe Borgenicht & Heather Kahlert
  • Cast
    Jenna Murray
  • Cinematographer
    Ed David
  • Editor
    Cassidy Gearhart
  • Composer
    Samantha Crain
  • Sound Design
    Tom Paul