Neo-Dome is a high-concept serialized drama set in the near-future, 20 years after the collapse of the American economy and a series of events that spiraled the world into disarray. It centers on an ensemble of characters venturing towards a distant utopian Dome in quest of a new beginning... in quest of a better life. But as they will soon realize, the reality of a better life, and the journey to get there, is never quite as easy as it appears.
- Runtime15 minutes
- DirectorBonnie Discepolo
- ScreenwriterMatt Pfeffer
- ProducerAnna Camp, Michael Johnson, Matt Pfeffer, Mark Pfeffer, Valerie Steinberg
- Executive ProducerMark Pfeffer, Carson Nyquist, Dan Duncan, Trey Terpaluk, Roman Grimaldi, Steve Cundari
- CastAnna Camp, Michael Mosley, Nicholas Logan, Anthony Discepolo
- CinematographerCarson Nyquist
- EditorMark Pfeffer
- ComposerMichael Johnson & Chad Shlosser
- Sound DesignMarcus Grimaldi
Neo-Dome is a high-concept serialized drama set in the near-future, 20 years after the collapse of the American economy and a series of events that spiraled the world into disarray. It centers on an ensemble of characters venturing towards a distant utopian Dome in quest of a new beginning... in quest of a better life. But as they will soon realize, the reality of a better life, and the journey to get there, is never quite as easy as it appears.
- Runtime15 minutes
- DirectorBonnie Discepolo
- ScreenwriterMatt Pfeffer
- ProducerAnna Camp, Michael Johnson, Matt Pfeffer, Mark Pfeffer, Valerie Steinberg
- Executive ProducerMark Pfeffer, Carson Nyquist, Dan Duncan, Trey Terpaluk, Roman Grimaldi, Steve Cundari
- CastAnna Camp, Michael Mosley, Nicholas Logan, Anthony Discepolo
- CinematographerCarson Nyquist
- EditorMark Pfeffer
- ComposerMichael Johnson & Chad Shlosser
- Sound DesignMarcus Grimaldi