Available in 14d 02h 40m 10s
Available October 8, 2024 12:00 PM UTC
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Javi, an undocumented immigrant facing imminent deportation, unexpectedly reunites with his long-lost best friend, Hunter, a vivacious bachelor seeking deeper connections. Together, they embark on a heartfelt journey to prevent Javi's expulsion from the only country he has ever called home.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    1 hr 34 min
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
    Woods Hole Film Festival
  • Subtitle Language
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Spencer Cohen
  • Screenwriter
    Spencer Cohen
  • Producer
    Jennifer Potts, Sara Robin, Victoria Hersey, Alberto Sayan
  • Cast
    Denis Shepherd, Rafael Silva, Caroline Portu, Dakota Lustick, Alfredo Huereca, Jaison Hunter, Brandon Grimes