2024 Gary International Black Film Festival

The Real and the Surreal: "BF" | "The Freedom to Fall Apart" | " All That's Left"

Available in 18d 11h 40m 39s
Available October 12, 2024 9:00 PM UTC
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Malachai keeps himself locked in his apartment day in and day out only to entertain himself with all the games he keeps in his collection, and December 14th was a night no different than any other. From trash to unpaid rent to unanswered calls, all of it remains neglected as Malachai only cares about nothing more than being unbothered by the outside world. He goes through his arsenal of games until he finds one that catches his eye: Alter. He proceeds to plop it in the system, throws on the headset, and relaxes as the game comes to life. Upon arrival, the Narrator greets Malachai as it loads and preps him for the the virtual world. He is then warped into a pastel, 8-bit spawn point as he dons a brand new alternative persona. Little does Malachai realize, there is something lurking in this world that has a different route in play.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Director
    Asia Janae