Farming While Black Film Screening + Q&A Moderated by Konda Mason

Farming While Black

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Join us for the live Q&A with our film’s participants and the film’s director! Moderated by Konda Mason, a social entrepreneur, earth and social justice activist and spiritual teacher. She is the President of Jubilee Justice, Inc a nonprofit working to bring economic equity to BIPOC farmers and ecological sustainability by introducing an innovative way of growing rice, while convening deeply transformational journeys exploring the intersection of Land, Race, Money & Spirit.

Leah Penniman, a young Black farmer and co-founder of Soul Fire Farm, knows all too well the plight of Black farmers in the United States. From the height of Black-owned farms at 14% in 1910 to less than 2% today, Leah and her Soul Fire Farm cohorts help propel a returning generation of young Black farmers to reclaim their sacred connection to land. All the while, fighting for the passage of landmark legislation: the Justice for Black Farmers Act. This rising generation of young Black farmers find strength in the deep historical knowledge of African agrarianism — and its potential to save the planet.
  • Year
  • Runtime
    75 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Mark Decena
  • Producer
    Liz Decena
  • Co-Producer
    Lynn Waymer
  • Cinematographer
    Lawrence Rickford
  • Editor
    Bernardo Josue
  • Sound Design
    Jeremiah Moore