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Nishi Chawla’s movie, "The Peace Activists" places Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King within the crucible of a dramatic plot that will bring out their remarkable similarities in the cause of peace and non-violence and in their pursuit and engagement with civil disobedience as a methodology and a tool. Along with the white philosopher Thoreau who inspired both leaders, the black MLK and the brown MKG, Nishi Chawla’s movie offers philosophical rumination on the current world situation in light of Gandhi's and MLK's broader vision. In other words, the film is intended to revisit the meaning of peace and non-violence in a world without peace.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    113 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States, India
  • Genre
  • Director
  • Screenwriter
  • Producer
  • Cast
    Evan Carrington, Anil Joseph, Matt Gulbranson, Suma Muralidhar, Cynthia Smith, Annette Mooney