Give as a gift
Based on a true story, the plot follows Marcus, a young go-getter who recently relocated from Baltimore to start a new job. After nabbing a hard-earned promotion at work, Marcus eagerly heads to celebrate with his buddy John and John's father Bryan, who's firing up the grill that same day. At the festive cookout, the crafty Bryan becomes hellbent on getting Marcus' beloved LA Dodgers hat. He relentlessly tries persuading Marcus to fork over the hat, even challenging him to high-stakes pool matches for it. But Marcus refuses to relinquish the hat, evoking Bryan's alpha male instincts to aggressively pursue the cap at all costs. As the night rages on, Bryan's dogged pursuit of the hat breeds palpable tension. Finally, Bryan pointedly asks why Marcus is so attached to the hat. Marcus admits it's one of the last remnants from his ex before his big move out West. In a moment of rare sincerity, Bryan encourages Marcus to let go of the past. Acting on impulse, Marcus decides to freely give Bryan the hat. By surrendering the hat to Bryan, Marcus takes a bold leap to release his old relationship and fully embrace his new California dreams and bonds.
- Year2023-04-23
- Runtime00:17:46
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- PremiereTexas
- GenreDrama, Comedy
- Social Media
- DirectorAr'Darius Stewart
- ScreenwriterAr'Darius Stewart
- ProducerAr'Darius Stewart, Shermera Hughes, Alena Drake, Chris Rouse
- Executive ProducerAr'Darius Stewart, Shermera Hughes
- CastFreddy D. Ramsey Jr., Christopher Guyton, Jonny Williams, Ofentse Malatse, Lamont Butts, Tyler Alexis, Nathly Starr DiMacco
- CinematographerAr'Darius Stewart, Shermera Hughes
Based on a true story, the plot follows Marcus, a young go-getter who recently relocated from Baltimore to start a new job. After nabbing a hard-earned promotion at work, Marcus eagerly heads to celebrate with his buddy John and John's father Bryan, who's firing up the grill that same day. At the festive cookout, the crafty Bryan becomes hellbent on getting Marcus' beloved LA Dodgers hat. He relentlessly tries persuading Marcus to fork over the hat, even challenging him to high-stakes pool matches for it. But Marcus refuses to relinquish the hat, evoking Bryan's alpha male instincts to aggressively pursue the cap at all costs. As the night rages on, Bryan's dogged pursuit of the hat breeds palpable tension. Finally, Bryan pointedly asks why Marcus is so attached to the hat. Marcus admits it's one of the last remnants from his ex before his big move out West. In a moment of rare sincerity, Bryan encourages Marcus to let go of the past. Acting on impulse, Marcus decides to freely give Bryan the hat. By surrendering the hat to Bryan, Marcus takes a bold leap to release his old relationship and fully embrace his new California dreams and bonds.
- Year2023-04-23
- Runtime00:17:46
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- PremiereTexas
- GenreDrama, Comedy
- Social Media
- DirectorAr'Darius Stewart
- ScreenwriterAr'Darius Stewart
- ProducerAr'Darius Stewart, Shermera Hughes, Alena Drake, Chris Rouse
- Executive ProducerAr'Darius Stewart, Shermera Hughes
- CastFreddy D. Ramsey Jr., Christopher Guyton, Jonny Williams, Ofentse Malatse, Lamont Butts, Tyler Alexis, Nathly Starr DiMacco
- CinematographerAr'Darius Stewart, Shermera Hughes