Disney Animation legend Andreas Deja, Supervising Animator on such iconic characters as Scar in “The Lion King" and Jafar in “Aladdin,” makes his directorial debut with the animated short film MUSHKA. Featuring Deja’s original story, the hand drawn film tells the story of a young Ukrainian girl, Sarah, who discovers an orphaned baby Siberian tiger and realizes she must raise him or leave him to the perils of the snowy wild. She names the cub Mushka, a Russian term of endearment meaning “sweetheart.” Disney ‘Legend’ and Academy Award winner Richard Sherman provides the film’s musical theme as well as an original song.
- Year2022
- Runtime29 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- PremiereReno Premiere
- RatingPG
- Social Media
- DirectorAndreas Deja
- ScreenwriterAndreas Deja, Michael McKinney
- ProducerAndreas Deja, Craig Peck, Roger Viloria
- CastHelena Aviv Perez, Tanner Beard, Kelly Hoover, Josh Allen Goldman, Ariel Goldberg
- AnimatorAndreas Deja, Courtney Dipaola, Steven E. Gordon, Tim Ingersoll, Greg Manwaring, Matthieu Saghezchi, Aidan Terry, Andreas Wessel-Therhorn
Disney Animation legend Andreas Deja, Supervising Animator on such iconic characters as Scar in “The Lion King" and Jafar in “Aladdin,” makes his directorial debut with the animated short film MUSHKA. Featuring Deja’s original story, the hand drawn film tells the story of a young Ukrainian girl, Sarah, who discovers an orphaned baby Siberian tiger and realizes she must raise him or leave him to the perils of the snowy wild. She names the cub Mushka, a Russian term of endearment meaning “sweetheart.” Disney ‘Legend’ and Academy Award winner Richard Sherman provides the film’s musical theme as well as an original song.
- Year2022
- Runtime29 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- PremiereReno Premiere
- RatingPG
- Social Media
- DirectorAndreas Deja
- ScreenwriterAndreas Deja, Michael McKinney
- ProducerAndreas Deja, Craig Peck, Roger Viloria
- CastHelena Aviv Perez, Tanner Beard, Kelly Hoover, Josh Allen Goldman, Ariel Goldberg
- AnimatorAndreas Deja, Courtney Dipaola, Steven E. Gordon, Tim Ingersoll, Greg Manwaring, Matthieu Saghezchi, Aidan Terry, Andreas Wessel-Therhorn