"Hero Camp!" is a coming-of-age documentary that follows three queer teens on their paths towards self-discovery at a live-action role-play (LARP) summer camp. Set against the backdrop of suburban Massachusetts, the film captures how this extraordinary camp community transforms their world into the fantasy realm of "Sidleterra," where they battle villains from the writings of Homer and Lewis Carroll. Bolstered by the support of a queer-affirming space, the young protagonists are free to fight monsters, explore their identities, and discover who they truly are. The film shows the campers and counselors navigating this transformational journey together, set against the backdrop of reality. HERO CAMP! creatively depicts the collective effort it takes to keep a story and a community alive.
"Hero Camp!" is a coming-of-age documentary that follows three queer teens on their paths towards self-discovery at a live-action role-play (LARP) summer camp. Set against the backdrop of suburban Massachusetts, the film captures how this extraordinary camp community transforms their world into the fantasy realm of "Sidleterra," where they battle villains from the writings of Homer and Lewis Carroll. Bolstered by the support of a queer-affirming space, the young protagonists are free to fight monsters, explore their identities, and discover who they truly are. The film shows the campers and counselors navigating this transformational journey together, set against the backdrop of reality. HERO CAMP! creatively depicts the collective effort it takes to keep a story and a community alive.