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Who would have thought certain animals and forests do more for us than we could ever imagine! Captivating and educational stories of the bison, the harpy eagle and an old growth forest, and how their well being and our survival correlate.

We are existing in an extremely pivotal time in human evolution. Keystone is a story about the land, humans, flora and fauna. A story about the co-habitation that we must embrace as humans, in order to create planetary abundance for future generations.

About the Director:

This is Maggie O'Dea's first film. She is interested in the role ecosystems play in our economic system and how we need to perceive ecosystems as a place to invest, not merely extract resources. She's currently a hedge fund manager at

Film Contact:

  • Runtime
    26 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Premiere
    West Coast Premiere
  • Director
    Maggie O'Dea