Expired October 21, 2024 3:59 AM
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In the heart of the Mediterranean, between the Tunisian and Italian coasts, lies a formidable underwater museum, the Esquerquis Bank.
It preserves the traces of more than 2000 years of Mediterranean navigation history. Under the aegis of UNESCO, an archaeological mission bringing together 8 Mediterranean countries will try to save this endangered heritage.
- Year2023
- Runtime56 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryFrance
- DirectorThomas Marlier and Mathieu Pradinaud
- Executive ProducerGEDEON Programmes
1 film in package
This virtual screening is eligible for audience awards! Unlock it to cast your vote.
In the heart of the Mediterranean, between the Tunisian and Italian coasts, lies a formidable underwater museum, the Esquerquis Bank.
It preserves the traces of more than 2000 years of Mediterranean navigation history. Under the aegis of UNESCO, an archaeological mission bringing together 8 Mediterranean countries will try to save this endangered heritage.
- Year2023
- Runtime56 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryFrance
- DirectorThomas Marlier and Mathieu Pradinaud
- Executive ProducerGEDEON Programmes